Monday, October 29, 2012

Army of Darkness - 1992

Grade = C+

- NO where nearly as great as the movie artwork shown above.  I had high hopes for this movie because every one of my stoner friends which was all of my friends loved this movie.  It has some funny moments sometimes but not worth buying it on Blu ray like I did because I probably won't ever watch it again, unless im trippin with some homies big time....

Mr. Joe Says: "Just watch Evil Dead 2, it's much better"

The Thing - 2011

Grade = D

- I don't really remember watching this movie because I was tired and angry.  Right from the start this movie proves to be a washed up shitty version of The 1982 masterpiece.  And Mary Elizabeth Winstead looks like she was put through a Drying Machine.  This movie pretends to be a prequel but it's really just a piece of dick remake.

-Mr. Joe Says:  " Not worth your precious ass time"