Grade = C-
-With a name like that I was expecting at least something fun. But instead I was bored and wondering about other things like "I wonder if the new Planet of the Apes will be any good, it probably wont but I am still gonna see it." Or "would it be funny if I got completely naked in this theater right now?" Well I didn't like this movie at all really, I hated everyone in it, and the OC girl isn't that good looking and who really cares about Daniel Craig, And Harrison Ford hasn't been in anything good since The Jerk, that was him right? he is in the Jerk, that's a Harrison Ford film Right? With all my hilarious banter aside. Let's cut to the chase, This movie is shit. Not the Shit, just plain Shit.
Mr. Joe Says: "The aliens didn't even look cool at all, everything was wrong, I don't know why I even go to the theater anymore"
Watching Cowboys & Aliens, I kept thinking "this could be a good western... if the aliens didn't show up.