Grade = C
-I've always wondered about this movie, and saw the trailer hundreds of times and was excited to see it. I wondered why this John Hughes film wasn't really popular at all, and after watching it I know why it isn't that popular, it's because it isn't that good. I realize it isn't supposed to be a full on comedy but, it just wasn't that great.. I don't know... Maybe I had too high hopes for this film... maybe I need to have a family and a child to really understand this movie... or maybe this movie is just not very good at all... it has a young Alec Baldwin but who cares about him.
Mr. Joe says; "this film is whatever" (whatever that means)

Here at Film Gravy you will find all you will ever need to know about movies. You will never have to worry about seeing a bad film because we will tell you what sucks, and we will tell you what doesn't suck. New or old, we got you covered. xoxoxox PS:If Jackie Chan is in it, we definitely got you covered
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Stay Tuned - 1992
Grade = B-
-John Ritter gets sucked into Television Hell! John Ritter automatically makes a movie great and Stay Tuned is no different. Its a little crappy but its from 92 and everything was a little crappy back then, but crappy in a good comforting way. This movie is perfect for having some close friends over having some laughs play a board game after... Im so lonely...
Mr. Joe Says: " If you like TV and Hell, you will love this movie"
-John Ritter gets sucked into Television Hell! John Ritter automatically makes a movie great and Stay Tuned is no different. Its a little crappy but its from 92 and everything was a little crappy back then, but crappy in a good comforting way. This movie is perfect for having some close friends over having some laughs play a board game after... Im so lonely...
Mr. Joe Says: " If you like TV and Hell, you will love this movie"
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 - 2010
Grade = C- (D)
-I'm a Harry Potter fan and I love the books but if a film sucks, it sucks, and Deathly Hallows part 1 is the worst film in the series. The first 20 minutes were awesome, then the film was so incredibly cheesy and boring that I almost left the theater. If I knew that nothing at all was going to happen in the movie I would have waited until it reached the cheap smelly theater, or better yet just waited for part 2 and never see it at all. It sucks, ok, just admit it.
Mr. Joe Says: " The trailer was misleading... you do get to see Hermione almost naked which was a plus"
-I'm a Harry Potter fan and I love the books but if a film sucks, it sucks, and Deathly Hallows part 1 is the worst film in the series. The first 20 minutes were awesome, then the film was so incredibly cheesy and boring that I almost left the theater. If I knew that nothing at all was going to happen in the movie I would have waited until it reached the cheap smelly theater, or better yet just waited for part 2 and never see it at all. It sucks, ok, just admit it.
Mr. Joe Says: " The trailer was misleading... you do get to see Hermione almost naked which was a plus"
The Other Guys - 2010
Grade = D-
-Since I only paid $3.75 to see this I gave it a D-, but I wasted my precious time watching this piece of crap. I laughed a couple of times... I guess, but still, this film was nothing special at all and everyone in this movie looks and acts like a jackass. I don't know what to say other then this sucks.
-Mr. Joe Says: "Will Ferrell isn't that funny, and he really sucks in this, oh and Wahlberg sucks as well"
-Since I only paid $3.75 to see this I gave it a D-, but I wasted my precious time watching this piece of crap. I laughed a couple of times... I guess, but still, this film was nothing special at all and everyone in this movie looks and acts like a jackass. I don't know what to say other then this sucks.
-Mr. Joe Says: "Will Ferrell isn't that funny, and he really sucks in this, oh and Wahlberg sucks as well"
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Truman Show - 1998
Grade =B-
- I always change my mind about this movie. Sometimes I think I love it. but then I think this movie freaks me out and I hate it. I'm a big Jim Carrey fan so I try to like his movies (although everything he has done recently is complete horse shit and sucks so bad) Anyways I prefer Jim Carrey playing an idiot or a Pet Detective but he is pretty great as Truman.
-Mr. Joe Says: " Watch this if Ace Ventura is not available"
- I always change my mind about this movie. Sometimes I think I love it. but then I think this movie freaks me out and I hate it. I'm a big Jim Carrey fan so I try to like his movies (although everything he has done recently is complete horse shit and sucks so bad) Anyways I prefer Jim Carrey playing an idiot or a Pet Detective but he is pretty great as Truman.
-Mr. Joe Says: " Watch this if Ace Ventura is not available"
Airheads - 1994
Grade = C+ (maybe B-)
-This movie always seems like a great movie to watch, but then I put it on and I remember why I like it, but don't love it. If you aren't familiar with this movie let me fill you in, This crappy band takes over a radio station and there is mayhem. It is the perfect movie to watch if you are doing something else. Like if you are writing an essay or trying to sleep and you need a night light.
-Mr. Joe Says: "It's pretty good, check it it out, you will really like it if you have been in a heavy metal band."
-This movie always seems like a great movie to watch, but then I put it on and I remember why I like it, but don't love it. If you aren't familiar with this movie let me fill you in, This crappy band takes over a radio station and there is mayhem. It is the perfect movie to watch if you are doing something else. Like if you are writing an essay or trying to sleep and you need a night light.
-Mr. Joe Says: "It's pretty good, check it it out, you will really like it if you have been in a heavy metal band."
Son In Law - 1993
Grade = C-
- I really thought I was going to love this film, I figured it would suck a little but still be extremely wonderful. Boy was I wrong, this movie sucked like no other. There were a couple funny moments but it doesn't out weight how crappy this was. This just might be Pauly Shore's worst film. The thought of watching this movie again is making me very sick.
-Mr. Joe Says: "I can only say "sucks" so many times. don't see this... it sucks"
- I really thought I was going to love this film, I figured it would suck a little but still be extremely wonderful. Boy was I wrong, this movie sucked like no other. There were a couple funny moments but it doesn't out weight how crappy this was. This just might be Pauly Shore's worst film. The thought of watching this movie again is making me very sick.
-Mr. Joe Says: "I can only say "sucks" so many times. don't see this... it sucks"
Monday, November 1, 2010
Transformers - 2007
Grade = D
-Can somebody please tell me why anyone likes this movie? Oh yeah Megan Fox's A$$. Well its going to take more then her perfect body too win me over. This movie is a pile of Crap, and it's pretty much Small Soldiers but with cars and way suckier.
Mr. Joe says: "this movie sucks...the only transformer I like (see below)"
-Can somebody please tell me why anyone likes this movie? Oh yeah Megan Fox's A$$. Well its going to take more then her perfect body too win me over. This movie is a pile of Crap, and it's pretty much Small Soldiers but with cars and way suckier.
Mr. Joe says: "this movie sucks...the only transformer I like (see below)"
Reality Bites - 1994
Grade = A
-I love everybody in this movie, and Winona Ryder is perfection. All you need to do is sit back put this movie on and life is ok (until its over and then you have to watch First Kid again) To add to the beauty of this film, its directed by Ben Stiller! Oh love in the 90's, reminds me of my kindergarten days where I first fell for Jane Kim. Anyways, reality bites is just remarkable and Janeane Garofalo and Steve Zahn are out of this world amazing.
-Mr. Joe says: "Winona Ryder<3 pinch me I'm dreaming"
Christine - 1983
Grade = B-
-Christine is an evil car that turns one nerd into the ultimate killing machine with a bad attitude (A dream I've had for a long time) I really really enjoyed this film. Now you will never have to wonder what if Herbie from The Love Bug killed everyone because that's pretty much this film. It also has a very important message about people who are obsessed with their cars. (don't you just hate those people?) and for school bullies with big bad hair cuts. You will have to watch the movie to find out
Mr. Joe says:" Great fun for the whole family (there are a ton of F words and graphic deaths tho)
-Christine is an evil car that turns one nerd into the ultimate killing machine with a bad attitude (A dream I've had for a long time) I really really enjoyed this film. Now you will never have to wonder what if Herbie from The Love Bug killed everyone because that's pretty much this film. It also has a very important message about people who are obsessed with their cars. (don't you just hate those people?) and for school bullies with big bad hair cuts. You will have to watch the movie to find out
Mr. Joe says:" Great fun for the whole family (there are a ton of F words and graphic deaths tho)
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